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Villum Young Investigator Program
Protein Superstructures as Smart Biomaterials (ProSmart)
In 2018 Vito received the VILLUM Young Investigators grant. The VILLUM Young Investigators programme supports particularly talented, young researchers in technical and scientific research with the ambitions of creating independent research profiles.
About the project
Biomaterials play a major contribution to the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals as well as for applications in tissue engineering and biosensing. In connection to these fields, having tunable materials whose properties can be rationally controlled is necessary and still remains a major challenge. ProSmart is a 5-year program that aims at developing a new platform in which the growth of protein superstructures can be controlled and finalized to the production of tailored biomaterials. To do so, the team uses cutting-edge techniques and advanced theoretical models to connect the protein-protein interactions occurring during superstructure growth to the physical/structural features of the aggregate. This platform will generate valuable knowledge for the realization of novel materials in fields as drug delivery and tissue engineering.

Photographer: Simon Knudsen

Photographer: Simon Knudsen

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